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5 Best Exercises for Building Biceps Muscle

Over the years, numerous investigations have endeavored to explore the most effective biceps exercises. This should come as no surprise! Imagine the first thing you'd do with access to an EMG machine – undoubtedly hook it up to your biceps. Let's be truthful.

So, what takes the top spot ? If we solely consider biceps EMG, the concentration curl usually emerges as the winner, a fundamental component in the bodybuilding routines of iconic lifters like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Lou Ferrigno. However, there's a caveat: We've yet to encounter a single bodybuilder who unequivocally concurs.

Why the disagreement ? Well, seasoned lifters understand that while muscle activation holds significance, it isn't the sole factor determining the effectiveness of muscle-building exercises. Instead, we've employed various criteria to identify the top 5, including -

1. Ease of learning and execution

2. Comprehensive muscle stimulation and intensity

3. Popularity among dedicated lifters and bodybuilders (This holds weight!)

4. Accessibility of equipment in commercial gyms

Consider this list as a starting point rather than an absolute. Regard it as the initiation of a conversation, and then venture into your own exploration with the following three complete workout routines.

1. Barbell or EZ-Bar Curl -

Why it's a Top Pick :
The inclusion of the Barbell or EZ-Bar Curl in your biceps workout is a no-brainer. This classic shoulder-width curl effectively engages both the short and long heads of the biceps, allowing for versatile grip adjustments to target specific muscle areas. Whether opting for a wider grip to focus on the short head or a narrower grip for the long head, this exercise offers flexibility. Moreover, its bilateral nature enables the lifter to handle substantial weights, making it a favorite among those looking to pile on the resistance. The efficiency of working both arms simultaneously adds to its appeal.

Variations for Biceps Growth :
  • Standing Barbell Curl (standard, close grip, wide grip)
  • Standing EZ-Bar Curl (standard, close grip, wide grip)
  • Seated Barbell Curl (emphasizing the top half of the range of motion)
Workout : Consider this exercise a cornerstone of your biceps routine. Initiate your workout with heavy curls, challenging yourself with a weight suitable for 6-8 reps or opting for a classic 5x5 rep scheme for size and strength. It's crucial to maintain strict form, especially during heavy lifts, minimizing excessive body movement.

2. Cable Curl -

Why it's a Top Pick :
The Cable Curl earns its place on the list due to its unique angle of loading, providing constant tension throughout the entire range of motion. Unlike traditional curls, this bilateral movement limits resting at the bottom or top, ensuring more total time under tension for the muscles. With various handle options and body positions available, this cable exercise adds versatility to your biceps training, allowing for continuous engagement.

Variations for Biceps Growth :
  • Cable Straight-Bar Biceps Curl
  • Squatting Cable EZ-Bar Biceps Curl
  • Standing Reverse-Grip Cable Curl
  • Lying Cable Biceps Curl
Workout : Choose between Barbell or Cable Curls, favoring one over the other in your routine. If prioritizing this exercise, opt for a challenging weight and aim for 6-10 reps when performed early in your workout. For later sets, focus on 8-12 or more reps per set to maximize time under tension.

3. Dumbbell Curl -

Why it's a Top Pick :
While seemingly similar to the Barbell Curl, the Dumbbell Curl brings unique advantages. Its versatility allows for various executions: standing or seated, both arms or alternating, and the incorporation of wrist rotations like Zottman Curls for comprehensive forearm engagement. The flexibility to adjust the curling motion, including twisting the pinky up for a concentrated biceps focus, provides diverse options for targeting muscle groups.

Variations for Biceps Growth :
  • Standing Dumbbell Curl (bilateral, alternating)
  • Seated Dumbbell Curl (bilateral, alternating)
  • Zottman Curl

Workout : Dumbbell Curls offer a spectrum of possibilities. Differentiate your routine by incorporating variations such as Zottmans or alternating between bilateral seated curls and unilateral curls to fatigue. Prioritize form, and if your reps become compromised, emphasize controlled negatives for increased force production during fatigue.

4. Hammer Curl -

Why it's a Top Pick :
The Hammer Curl secures its place in biceps workouts due to its unique palms-facing or neutral grip, targeting not only the biceps but also heavily recruiting the brachialis—a muscle often overlooked. While the brachialis resides beneath the biceps and may not be measured in EMG studies, its development contributes to overall arm size. Neglecting this exercise could mean missing out on enhancing the girth of the brachialis, providing a lift to the biceps from below and contributing to a more substantial arm appearance. Notably, this was Chris Hemsworth's preferred curl during his transformation into Thor. For optimal results, the cable version with a rope grip is recommended, ensuring constant tension throughout the entire range of motion.

Variations for Biceps Growth :
  • Cable Rope Hammer Curl
  • Dumbbell Hammer Curl (bilateral, alternating, seated)
  • Cable Rope Preacher Hammer Curl
Workout : Position Hammer Curls in the middle or towards the end of your workout, targeting the classic rep range of 8-12 reps. For an added challenge, experiment with isometric holds, intensifying the burn and pushing your biceps to new limits.

5. Incline Curl -

Why it's a Top Pick :
Distinguishing itself from curls performed at a 90-degree angle, the Incline Curl offers unique benefits. By elongating the biceps and increasing the stretch at the start of the movement, this exercise theoretically targets the long head of the biceps, aiding in the development of the coveted "biceps peak."

Variations for Biceps Growth :

  • Incline Dumbbell Curl (bilateral, alternating)
  • Palms-Out Incline Curl
  • Incline Hammer Curl
Workout : Consider Incline Curls as detail-oriented work rather than the primary focus. Incorporate them after a heavy, compound exercise like standing curls to effectively target both biceps heads with substantial weight. Due to the "overstretched" arm position at the bottom of the movement, opt for relatively lighter weights and aim for at least 8-12 reps per set to optimize the stretch and contraction.

If you savor the exhilarating sensation of a pump and relish the profound mind-muscle connection, this meticulously crafted high-rep, short-rest workout is tailored to deliver the exact experience you crave.
 Infused with the added intensity of dropsets and the amplifying effects of your pre-workout, this session is designed to be the highlight of your weekly training regimen. Immerse yourself in heavy lifts, chase the pump, and provide your biceps with the optimal conditions for growth. And, if time permits, extend the same dedication to sculpting your triceps.
